Frequently asked questions

You can reach Saas-Fee easily with the public traffic (train and postbus from Visp) or with the own car ⇒ Arrival.

At the entrance of the village Saas-Fee is a public parkhouse. With the guestcard you will get reduction of the parking fee.

Coop, Migros, Bakeries, Butcher, Swiss Skischool office and Banks are easily reachable by foot within a few minutes.

By foot within 5 minutes to the Alpin Express, in 7 minutes to the rest of the cable cars. Free Skibus stops in front of the house.

Buy your skipasses online here 

Heated Ski room in the house with boot heaters.

We provide for our guests the Saastalcard; during the summer all postal buses and 8/9 cable cars are free to use, during winter all postal buses are free. Reduced parking fees and much more reductions with this guest card.